Why should anyone care about copyright law? Even if the only creative work you’ve ever done is upload your profile picture to Facebook, surprise! Your life has been affected by copyright law. If you’re an artist or journalist who has asked the questions, “How can I get people to see my work?” or “How can I make money off of my work?” it may be helpful to take a look at these articles. If you’re just an average person who is afraid of getting in trouble for downloading the wrong file, or uploading the wrong video to YouTube, it might also be helpful. If you’re starting a business and you’re trying to figure out some of the legal issues that may affect your website, marketing materials, and promotional videos and photos, checking out these articles would be a great idea. Creativity is universally agreed to be a good that copyright law should seek to promote.

Il nuovo mutualismo al servizio degli artisti

Guest Article: What is SMart?

SMart is a non-profit organisation created in Belgium in 1998 which is developing itself in 8 European countries. We aim to simplify and support the professional paths of creative and cultural workers. Our principal goal

video italia

The Legal Status of Video Games in Italy

This is an abstract of a study commissioned by WIPO entitled “The Legal Status of Video Games: Comparative Analysis in National Approaches”  for a better understanding of the legal status of video game in Italy. In

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